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7-21 Light Fasting
Weight Loss/ Detoxing Program

Transform and rejuvenate yourself with our 7-21 Light fasting weight loss/Detox program.

This program combines the Chinese Taoist fasting technique that Lei learned in China, Chinese herbal medicine/acupuncture, and modern nutrition theory. You'll lose an average of 6-12 lbs, with limited bouncing back, gain health benefits, glowing skin, and a younger appearance. Our patients have shown impressive and lasting results.

Phase 1

7 days of light fasting, supported by our unique protocol, you will limit food intake and lose weight fast without struggle, or experiencing side effects such as headaches, and low energy. This commitment requires daily 40-60 minutes walk, refraining from extraneous workouts and avoiding sexual activity.

Phase 2

21 days of maintenance. This phase is just as important as phase 1. Our program will help you to Stabilize the weight or even you losing more weight.

You can repeat this program if you want to lose more weight after completing the first round. You may need less support from us but we're always here to help you to reach your goal.

This program includes five acupuncture sessions: two in phase 1,  three in phase 2, Plus Chinese herbal medicine throughout the program. They will


  • Suppress your appetite & avoid feeling constantly hungry!

  • Increase your metabolic rate & burn more calories

  • Preventing sagging skin when you lose weight fast

  • Balance your hormones & lower stress

  • Support your energy

Detailed instructions will be provided once you start the program.

Note: This program is not intended for people with hypoglycemia, dietetics, mental illness,  cancer,  pregnant or breastfeeding,  and over 70 years old.

For those who have never fasted before or find it challenging to skip even a single meal, it's important to listen to your body and take things at a pace that feels comfortable and sustainable. Skipping one meal or doing a one-day fast can be a good way to dip your toes into the world of fasting and gauge how your body responds. It allows you to experience the sensation of hunger and practice self-control without pushing yourself too far. Once you feel comfortable with shorter fasts, you can gradually extend the duration or experiment with our 7-day fast, always being mindful of how your body reacts and adjusting accordingly.

Book your first session using our 'Book" button on top. Choose 7-21 Light Fasting program. If you are a new patient, please choose new patient and the first session charge will be $135 instead of $100.

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The patient in the picture lost 20 pounds, 11 pounds the first time, and 9 pounds 2nd time. 

Our Patients feedback:

  • Lose 6-12 lbs. in a week 

  • Easy to follow, no craving or minimum craving

  • Much better mental clarity

  • Hypertension reduced to normal range and stabilized, stop the medicine

  • Younger appearance

  • Improved sexual energy

  • It's a good way to reset your body to a healthy lifestyle

" I lost 11.8 pounds in 7 days and feel grateful that you encouraged me to try this. Fasting for 7 days is a transformative experience, I feel mentally clear, emotionally grounded
and physically energized. The acupuncture treatments and herbs surely were a key support to help me reach the finish line. thank you so much for your guidance and care."  -- M.B.

" I had gained 40 pounds after having kids and had been feeling negative about my body. I decided to try the Healing Lotus’ weight loss program which helped me lose and keep off 11 pounds. The experience was transformational. Most surprisingly were the emotional benefits. The positivity that I’m able to exude because of my energy levels increasing makes me feel like I’m in my 20’s again. I regained my sense of smell and am excited to start my next fast in a month! "     -- A. P.



Malvern Design Center, 2nd Fl.                                             
229 East King Street 
Malvern, PA 19355



    610-416-6039 (Facial)  

Opening Hours 

(By Appointment only)

Mon                    1:00 pm - 7:00 pm Facial only

Tues                   1:00 pm - 6:00 pm 

Wed                    9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Thur                   9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Fri                       9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Sat                      1:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Sun                     10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved by Healing Lotus Acupuncture and Wellness 

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