Today is the Winter Begins (Winter Commences, 立冬 lìdōng) solar term of the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar. Winter is the time when everything stores. The whole universe is in a state of dormancy to preserve energy for the coming spring. Storage in the three months of winter leads to the vigor of spring and prevents diseases in spring.
During this time, Yang Qi ( Yang energy) in nature gathered internally, like trees get rid of the leaves to go inward and downward to the root, animals enter dormancy to keeps off movements and conceals vitality. Human body also needs to store. The storage principle should be embodied in every aspect from diet, mind, daily life and sports.
Tonifying the body in winter has a long history in China, emphasis of health cultivation should be placed on nourishment of the kidney.
Foods that are black colored enter kidney include black beans, black rice, black sesame seeds, black buck wheat, seaweeds, black mulberries, black grapes, black dates, chestnuts, walnuts.
Keep warm and avoid excessive sweating from Sauna and hot yoga.
In Chinese history, it is believed "Generation in spring, growth in summer, harvesting in autumn and storage in winter" are the laws of heaven and earth. Winter is a golden period to nourishing your body, wishing abundant kidney Qi!
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