八段锦 Ba Duan JIn (Eight Section Brocade) Qigong
This is simplified full version of BaDuanJin, officially approved by the National General Administration of Sports of China, demonstrated by the Ba Duan Jin China national champion Zhang Qi. English voice and subtitle are added now to help English speakers.
Ba Duan Jin ( Eight section Brocade, eight Pieces of Brocade, 8 Silken Movements or 8 Silk Weaving) is one of the most popular Chinese Qi Gong Form. It has been used for around 1000 years to improve health. This form has eight separate sections; each section can help a different physical area and Qi Meridian to improve health. It is very easy to learn and very convenient to practice.
易筋經 · Yi Jin Jing (Muscle Tendon Change Classic) Qi Gong
Shaolin Yi Jin Jing can be translated as Muscle & Tendon Change / Transformation Exercises. It consists of 12 exercises aiming in the development of strong and flexible muscles and tendons:
It belongs to the classic repertoire of Qi Gong exercises in the Shaolin Arts around the globe.
A very simple yet effective exercise for high blood pressure, high blood sugar, neck and back pain, preventing Meniere's syndrome, gaut, Alzheimer, improving concentration.
Increase metabolism and improve digestion, improve thyroid function and general well-being, reduce shoulder/ back /knee pain.
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