Respiratory and ENT
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Lung dominates Qi and respiration, regulates the water pathway, and controls the body surface. The pathological changes of the Lung affect those physiological activities, leading to respiratory disorders. Acupuncture helps build or tonify the Qi within the respiratory system. When lung Qi is strong and the body is balanced, then respiratory issues rarely become an issue. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow which carries oxygen to every cell in the body. The increase blood flow boosts the immune system, dilates the bronchioles and produces anti-inflammatory agents that help improve breathing by relaxing the muscles.
Cough (Acute, Chronic)
Ear Blockage
Ear Infection
Flu and Cold
Sinus Infection
Sore Throat
Hoarse Voice
Globus Sensation (Lump in Throat)